4.)  When One's 'Integrated
Personality' Wakes Up, then One
Given Opportunity to Pass Test of
Dweller on the Threshold, By:

***a.)  Consciously, Willingly, Totally
and Wholeheartedly Choose and
Selflessly Serving for God

***b.)  Consciously, Willingly and
Constantly Expressing Only as Actual
Original Spiritual Soul Nature by
Totally Selfless: All Inclusive Love,
Joyful Service, Fearless, Sharing, etc..

***c.)  Honestly, Sincerely and Daily
Complying with Each and All True
Teachings, Everyday for Entire Life

*** Those who achieved 'Integrated
Personality' but NOT YET PASSED
Test of Dweller on the Threshold,  
DID NOT YET Achieve Union with
Spiritual Soul.
When One achieves 'Soul-infused
' (aka Union with Spiritual
Soul; become 3rd Initiate), then
becomes further
Stepping Stone, or
Divine Vehicle to approach God or
Highest Divine Monad.

[ Clarification:

Divine Soul = Universal Self or the ONE,
aka Atma, aka Divine: Monad or Spirit.

Spiritual Soul is vehicle of Divine:
or Spirit; and is part of Divine Monad—
which is composed of
Atma and Buddhi.

Spiritual Soul = Higher Self,
Buddhi or Christ Consciousness,
aka Solar Angel;
NOT human soul.

human soul = lower self or personality,
lower manas consciousness, or
human monad.
Some pages updated on 2017-10-09.